Press Releases for TV Network

  • 826

    NyooTV unveils brand new user interface!

    NyooTV, India's first Social TV Network and one-stop shop for premium visual entertainment, unveiled an all new user friendly interface. Informing this in a press release, Saravanan M P, Director of Product Development, AKG Entertainment Pvt. Ltd (a subsidiary of AKG Technologies) added that this distinctive user interface will help the user navigate the site better and get to the video of their choice faster. He thanked all the users for their encouraging feedback and valuable suggestions, w

    By : | 05-04-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 826

  • 621

    Yamgo Launches International 24/7 News Channel RT on Mobile Devices

    RT, the Russian English-language news channel has launched on mobile TV network Yamgo. The round the clock live news channel will be available globally on Smartphones, iPad and Tablets devices.

    By : | 09-27-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 621

  • 431

    BabyFirstTV, Leading TV Network for Babies and Parents, Turns Five Years Old This Mother's Day Weeke

    LOS ANGELES (May 4, 2011) – Mother's Day marks the 5th birthday of BabyFirstTV, the global TV network designed for babies and parents. Since its launch in 2006, the network has grown to become a multi-platform media company with family-friendly content extending beyond the TV to mobile devices and the internet., the latest product stemming from the media company, is a colorful, interactive website that combines over 400 videos, games and activities all designed specifically for

    By : | 05-06-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 431

  • 563

    The Online TV Network adds new talkshow to line up

    Grooving with Alicia" added to The Online TV Network programming line up.

    By : | 11-04-2010 | Art and Entertainment:Art and Entertainment | Total Views : 563